Another Macbook board repair, customer presented laptop with the fault description it was slow since doing the latest update, system CPU usage is 65%-70% permanently making the system slow, sound not working, light on the charger doesn’t work sometimes. Opened machine and it has spots of corrosion all over both sides of the back edge of the board, one capacitor next to SMC detached from the the board from corrosion, cleaned the corrosion, repaired all visible bad solder joins and replaced the missing capacitor and cleaned board in an ultrasonic cleaner, all issues resolved, CPU usage back to normal, Sound works, Light on charger works, extra bonus this customer actually appreciated a tech with the skills, tools and knowledge to repair his machine at the board level and didn’t threaten to kill me.

Большинство посещений моего блога о ремонте макбуков — это русские из результатов поиска яндекса в последнее время. Я предполагаю, что ремонт плат стал гораздо более распространенным в России за последние два года, расскажите мне о своих приключениях с ремонтом плат макбуков в комментариях.
